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My Story

Hi! I am Renaud Ménélas, photographer, filmmaker and founder of Nice Touched-Pictures.


In the early 90s, while I was in High School and in the midst of searching for myself and my passion, I stumbled upon Photography. That's when SLR 35 mm was the most popular camera and Film was about the only medium. Long story short, I fell in love with this beautiful Art and it has become an integral part of me for the better part of my life. I taught myself from curiosity, books, magazines, and by practicing. I started to put natural smiles on hundreds of faces while creating great souvenirs; first for families and friends, then for clients. Later on, I enrolled in Photography school, grabbed some more knowledge before ending up training others. What brings greater pleasure than sharing and giving back? Click here to read the full story.​


At the twilight of the year of 1998, I immigrated to USA with the little knowledge and experience I had about Photography, a Canon AV1 SLR and a huge album of hundreds of pictures that I had captured over the years. From there, I created thousands of great souvenirs for many, from birthdays to special events to engagement parties to weddings and Celebrations of life. I transformed many public parks and living rooms into Photo studios in doing so. And my expertise grew from working for some of the greatest companies in the portrait industry (Remember "PCA" Portrait Competitions of America commonly known as Walmart Portrait Studio that later became "Picture Me"?). Well, long gone those days and so are the existence of popular portrait studios, thanks to the explosion of cellular phones with camera....


Fast forward, The transition from Film to Digital and from SLR to DSLR and now to Mirrorless cameras, photography has stolen my heart. The love and passion for photography took me to Filmmaking school.  And in 2001, Nice Touched-Pictures was born. I do what I enjoy doing, and I don't think I would find greater joy doing anything else the way I do in making great memories for my clients.


So if you're in the market for a passionate photographer, an artist, who can transform your dream event into a reality by creating long lasting souvenirs for decades to come, which will be cherished by many generations, someone who can breathe life into your project with love for his profession, your search has ended. Nice Touched-Pictures is here to exceed your expectations. We'll sit, listen, plan, get to work and deliver. We won't be satisfied until you're happy with our service. Please book with us today and you'll become our best testimony, best referral.



Renaud Ménélas

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